Education &Training Programs

    Results: 3

  • Job Training Formats (1)

    Job Training Formats


    Programs that offer apprenticeships, training through business practice firms, classroom training, internships, on-the-job training, work experience or other formats for training that prepares people for specific types of employment. The training may feature formal instruction in an institutional classroom setting, hands-on experience at a job site under varying arrangements or a combination of the two as the means by which trainees acquire the skills required to perform the job.
  • Libraries (1)



    Facilities which house a collection of materials including books, manuscripts, journals, government documents and nonprint formats such as paintings, musical recordings, videotapes, films and data files on magnetic tape which are organized to provide physical, bibliographic and intellectual access to a targeted group of people and which generally make available staff to provide services and programs related to the information needs of the targeted group.
  • Lifelong Learning Programs (1)

    Lifelong Learning Programs


    Community-based educational programs designed for adults who commute and take courses on a semester basis. Lifelong learning classes are sponsored by Institutes for Learning in Retirement (ILRs). Most ILRs are sponsored by a college or university and offer non-credit academic programs with no attached Continuing Education Credits. A lifelong learning program is structured like a typical college program with regular semesters and often homework. While some lifelong learning programs are restricted to seniors, others are open to adults of any age.