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REV UP Campaign underway

The Delaware Gazette
Jul 06, 2018

The Delaware County District Library (DCDL) and Delaware County Board of Developmental Disabilities (DCBDD) are proud to announce their participation in a national, nonpartisan effort to increase the political participation of people with disabilities. This effort, known as the REV UP Campaign, has designated July 16-20 as National Disability Voter Registration Week in advance of the November election.

The REV UP Campaign, coordinated nationally by the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD), focuses on voter registration, education and engagement. REV UP stands for Register! Educate! Vote! Use your Power!

“The disability community has a huge stake in the results of the local, state, and federal elections this November,” said Molly Meyers LaBadie, Delaware County District Library deputy director. “Our elected officials make decisions that affect the programs and services people with disabilities rely on to receive health care and live independently in the community of their choice.”

DCDL will host daily open registration during National Disability Voter Registration Week from 4 to 6 p.m. A station will be set up near the front of each location where people of all abilities can sign up to vote and engage with real voting machines on loan from the Delaware County Board of Elections.

Additional REV UP partners include the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD), National Disability Rights Network (NDRN), National Council on Independent Living (NCIL), EveryLibrary, state protection and advocacy agencies, local centers for independent living, state councils on developmental disabilities, local libraries, and many other state and local organizations.

There are over 35 million people with disabilities who are eligible to vote. This number increases to over 62 million when family members in the same household are included. The number of “disability voters” continues to increase with the ripple effect of the disability vote that connects families, friends, advocates, educators, providers, and other individuals that interact with people with disabilities.

“There is incredible potential for the disability community to bring issues to the forefront of elections that initiate changes to positively impact people of all abilities,” said Kristine Hodge, superintendent of the Delaware County Board of DD. “It all starts with getting more people registered to vote and REVed UP to cast a ballot.”

In 2017, over 150 libraries across 46 states participated in NDVRW through programming, outreach, public education, and voter registration partnerships or on-site services.

For more information on the REV UP Campaign and National Disability Voter Registration Week, visit The REV UP Campaign offers a host of information on registering to vote, ways to drive civic engagement, and state-specific resources and events.

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