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The Power of One

Carriage Towne News
May 17, 2017

To the Editor:

It is left unchallenged that children are the future of this planet, however a significant amount of kids are left behind each year. These kids suffer birth defects, and while there is a significant amount of treatments to help cope with these birth defects the idea of these suffering children is put on the back burner of society. They were helped, but left to suffer, an abnormality of society. There are only a few who understand the effects that such grievous circumstances such as birth defects. Some of the more common birth defects include; Hypotonia, Congenital Heart Defect and Spina Bifida. All of these birth defects have treatments, however, the pain that one must go through to overcome some of these defects to the best of their ability, is unimaginable.

Hypotonia, also known low muscle tone is a defect where the amount of tension needed to move a muscle is abnormally low, this leads to a floppy like appearance at birth and the child being unable keeping their knees and elbows bent. Low muscle tone makes children have to use more energy to do the same function of a normal child. This leads to a decrease in strength but an increase to flexibility kids with low muscle tone often have speech impediments and have a hard time doing basic motor functions as a child. Children with Hypotonia also experience developmental delays along with speech impediments, making communication with them difficult when they are young. Hypotonia itself has no cure, although Occupational/Physical Therapy does help make the defect less severe, unfortunately Hypotonia is associated with things like chromosomal abnormalities and diseases that do not have a cure. People with Hypotonia can live an entirely normal life, however, the process of leaving the disability behind you can be difficult in the beginning.

Congenital Heart Defect (CHD) is the most common birth defect, it presents itself as holes between the chambers of the heart, damage of the arteries and veins near the heart and in more serious cases the absence of heart valves and chambers of the heart. Symptoms of the disease include most commonly an irregular blood flow in the baby, but blue skin at birth is also common, due to the lack of blood flow throughout the body, breathing problems, fatigue and poor weight gain are also common symptoms of CHD. Treatments for Congenital Heart Defect depends on the severity of the defect, less severe cases include taking medication to lower blood pressure and help control heart rate. More severe cases might require wearing heart devices such as implanted defibrillators, surgery and in the most secure cases heart transplants. People with CHD are able to live a normal life, although they will have a limited athletic ability and are at a higher risk of pregnancy complications.

Spina Bifida is a birth defect where the spine doesn't close properly during early stages of development which leads to abnormal tufts of hair, birthmarks and protruding spinal cord tissue at the site of the abnormality. Symptoms of the defect include; Muscle weakness in the legs, bowel/bladder problems, seizures and deformed feet/hips. Treatment for the defect is surgery, within 48 hours of birth, or during the 26th week of pregnancy. Surgery can help limit the effects of the disability and restore some function to the child. Kids with Spina Bifida if treated appropriately can live a relatively normal life, although they may need assistance to walk

The grave problem that is birth defects must be brought to attention. These kids who suffer from birth defects, including Hypotonia, CHD and Spina Bifida must be understood and be accommodated for so that they can live full productive lives. The neglect that we may put these kids through is horrible, and the bullying that comes out of their disabilities is unacceptable. We must stop neglecting children who suffer from disabilities and put a stop to the blind eye that we turn to children with birth defects.

Owen MacManes


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